What to Consider Before Buying a Home, Some simple tips while house buying

some tips before buying home

People want to live in their house. A large capital of life is collected and the building is bought or built so that life can be lived in peace. Life will be relaxed only if there are no architectural defects in the building. Let us know what things should be given special attention when buying or building a building.

Tips for Home 

  •  The small narrow bhukund between two large plots has never been considered good.
  •  When purchasing a plot, make sure that the plot is Suryaveedhi or Chandrabhedi.
  • For the construction of buildings primarily, square or rectangular land should be selected only. Never choose deformed land. 
  • Heavy items should always be kept in the south or west direction of the building. Never in the east and north. 
  • There should not be any obstruction in front of the building like mound, big tree, electric pole, transformer etc.
  •  The building should not have two doors in a straight line. This does not make positive energy stay in the home.
  • There should be no religious place in front of the plot. When the shadow of the temple falls, that building is not able to remain.
  •  Your building should not be the last house of a closed road and should not be in front of the right of way.
  •  Studying students, old and spiritual persons should sleep while keeping their head towards east. The 
  • hand pump or summersable should be in the east or north direction of the house. 
  • Food should never be made in north or northeast. One should always be eater in the fiery angle.
  • House should not enter the house without doors, without roof. Doing so causes a crisis on the family. Never enter home on Sunday, Tuesday or Saturday otherwise troubles do not leave the chase.
  • The picture of a waterfall should not be placed on the north facing wall in the house, otherwise it is a waste of money. 
  • The drain of the building should be in the north direction only i.e. the flow of water towards the north is considered auspicious.


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Anonymous said…
Good job